Available courses

Ecological restoration is a relevant science and a key practical tool for biodiversity conservation, that aims to recreate, initiate, and accelerate ecosystem recovery after being altered or degraded by disturbances.

There is a pledge and a growing demand for ecological restoration actions, framed in several European policies, which will require well-trained, qualified professionals. This BIP is designed to provide skills and competencies to better understand ecological and conservation complexity and to integrate analytical and operational skills in the implementation of restoration plans.

Provas de Aptidão: D1 - Musicologia

Provas de Aptidão: A6 - Fagote

Prova de Aptidão C1: Ramo de Composição

Provas de aptidão Ramo de Interpretação: Canto, Violoncelo, Contrabaixo, Oboé, Trompa

Provas de aptidão A4: Ramo de Interpretação: Saxofone e Flauta

Provas de aptidão A1: Ramos de Jazz: Bateria, Saxofone, Contrabaixo/Baixo elétrico 

Provas de aptidão A3: Clarinete, Precursão

Provas de aptidão A2: Guitarra, Violino e Piano

Provas de Aptidão B1 - Ramo de Jazz- voz, guitarra

Provas de aptidão A1: trombone, trompete, acordeão

The lesson is divided in to 6 topics:

  1. Agriculture historical steps towards Sustainable Precision Agriculture
  2. Definition of SPA
  3. The digital revolution in agriculture: why we talk about a new paradigm
  4. Tech innovation systems in agriculture
  5. Economic, environmental and social challenges
  6. Future trends: businness view and high tech

The lesson is divided in to 4 topics:

  1. The soil-water-plant agrisystem:a little about soil, water and plants
  2. Value chain system in agriculture: role of SPA
  3. Arable crops production cycle with SPA technologies
  4. Vineyards production cycle with SPA technologies

The lesson is divided in to 2 topics:

  1. Positioning systems: GNSS 
  2. Positioning systems: Machinery guidance

The lesson is divided in to 4 topics:

  1. Sensors for crop productivity, Yield maps.
  2. Proximal vegetation sensors
  3. Soil sensors
  4. Noded and sensors for multipoint data collection

The lesson is divided in to 4 topics:
  1. Variable rate seeding
  2. Variable rate fertiliser application
  3. Variable rate spraying
  4. Variable Rate Irrigation (VRI)

The lesson is divided in to 4 topics:

1a. Robotics: Introduction
1b. Robotics: Mobility
2.   Robotics: Manipulation
3.   Robotics: Fleets

The lesson is divided in to 3 topic:

  1. Basics of geostatistical analysis with GIS
  2. Principles of data consolidation
  3. Modelling approach for data analysis

The lesson is divided in to 3 topics:

  1. Electronic Systems for Data Transfer and Command 
  2. Telemetry and farm fleet management 
  3. Internet of Things in agriculture

The lesson is divided in to 11 topics:

  1. CAP Legislation and SPA
  2. How to start or be in a Union or Cooperative?
  3. Legislative Constraints
  4. Legal constraints on technologies
  5. Stage of Development, Technology readiness levels (TRL)
  6. Data sharing who is the owner? Who will use it?
  7. Legislation of the EU on organic cultivation.
  8. Quality Assurance for Food
  9. Climate Change
  10. Social Leadership: Community management online/offline, Dissemination of the manager concept, Rules for pitching and public speaking how to approach farmers,
  11. Introduction, Definition, Examples (Social networks, Value Chains) - Sharing is caring, Develop hub for SPA, Flexible methodologies, Hubs or Clusters innovation facilitators, Social aspects of SPA, social networks, value chain agreement

The lesson is divided in to 8 topics:

  1. Vision and Mission
  2. Business Model Canvas
  3. Lean Management in SPA
  4. Local Ecosystem Key Actors
  5. Identikit and features of the "successful" entrepreneur
  6. Foresight Analysis
  7. Business Plans
  8. Entrepreneurship in the value chain: case study from Rezos

The lesson is divided in to 5 topics:

  1. Principles of Farm Management
  2. Innovation Processes
  3. What to do with data?
  4. Software for Farmers - FMIS
  5. Study Cases (web)

A UC aborda  a multiplicidade de fatores que ancoram as dinâmicas da Globalização, mormente:
Analisa abordagens da Economia Política Internacional sobre a Globalização
- Examina a intensidade, características e tendências dos fluxos de Comércio internacional e do Investimento Estrangeiro
- Estuda metodologias e indicadores de medição das diferentes componentes da Globalização
- Carateriza desafios económicos, sociais e ambientais em prol do Desenvolvimento Sustentável
- Avalia Políticas Públicas de combate à Desigualdade ente países

Área de formação - Estatística Aplicada à História

Programa de Apoio à Autoavaliação das Escolas  visa apoiar as/os escolas/agrupamentos na construção ou consolidação dos seus processos de autoavaliação institucional tentando, assim, contribuir para o desenvolvimento organizacional e a melhoria da qualidade dos serviços prestados.